The Wind Bar The Wind Bar

Les vents Bar Les vents Bar

e você está fora na barra de vento/et vous êtes dans la barre du vent/и вы в аэродинамической бар/en je bent in de wind bar

The Wind Bar The Wind Bar

Les vents Bar Les vents Bar

e você está fora na barra de vento/et vous êtes dans la barre du vent/и вы в аэродинамической бар/en je bent in de wind bar


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Wind Bar:
The Wind Bar is where we explore the differences in World Cultures to appreciate the differences that make for such an interesting Human Experience. Why do we travel? The Wind Bar seeks to make your farthest Travels at an ever shorter distance.

Make yourself at home like abroad. What makes cultures unique? The people, their buildings, their customs, music, food and their expressions. Let's enjoy those subtle differences.

Wind Bar explores the Psychology, History, Philosophies, Trends, Thoughts and Phenomena of peoples, ethnicities, groups, and any which way we merge into social interactions in our local planent.

Degrees of separation? Exploring the way humans connect locally and at a distance. A view of history technology and a future prognosis of our technological ambience.

Destruction, Creation, Preservation and Conservation of Natural Resources: a glimpse of Human Landscape Domination.

Game Theory, Games to Play at a Bar or If the Bar is connected to the Atmosphere, a Wind Bar, unless there is a Vacuum Bar, not here. Enter Games at A bar.

Time Travel suppositions, predictions and late tense time return loop travel delays. Writing is linear anyway yawyna raenil si gnitirW.

Migrations: a history of flow of migrations from a genetic and geotechnical perspective.

Law of the Soil, Law of the Land, International Law and the Agreements across society: Exploring when and why a handshake isn't enough.

Naguib Sawiris offered to buy an Island from Italy and Greece: Is this a plausible solution? Sovereignty. New Countries. Hope?

The Invisible Barrier: a view of how invisible geographical lines limit human interaction within national and geographical borders.

El Fin del Mundo: Una vision de como el presente presenta la autodestruccion de la especie humana en un cada vez mas corto periodo de tiempo. Exploraremos como el humano ha creado un sistema de vida que es dirigido al conflicto en vez de la disolucion del conflicto.

Etnia Aproximada: una vista de que define un grupo etnico y las cosas en comun y diferentes entre llamados grupos etnicos que resultan en conflicto por cercania.

Guerra: Una vision de las causas de la guerra y como fluye el ciclo de guerras durante los ultimos 500 anhos.

Ranking deportivo, ELO ratings, Corrientes del deporte a diario. Quien pelea hoy?

Extinctions, Ethnic Cleansing, Cultural self delimitations, and Cultural Revivals.

A post-retro perspective of what became or what once was TV, from the eyes of the 23rd century.

La cultura del desastre natural: una vision de como diferentes culturas enfrentan las calamidades que la naturaleza ofrece.

1%: Exploring the genetic differences among cultures.

1970's, 1770's 2070's Tabu: limits of self expression and regulation of mass communication. taches de traîner: sortir ici, partager, interagir, de communiquer

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New York             e você está fora na barra de vento
Miami SPOTS           Write to us to get a spot in the Wind Bar
Los Angeles lieux SPOTS         Advertise your event in the Wind Bar
Chicago   lieux SPOTS       Puedes ver los eventos en el Wind Bar
London     lieux SPOTS     evenementen lopen in een wind bar
Brussels SPOTS     lieux SPOTS   de hemel is blauw groen paars en rood
Havana места SPOTS     lieux SPOTS небо синий зеленый фиолетовый и красный
San Francisco   места SPOTS     lieux voir les étoiles la nuit voir les étoiles la nuit
Seattle     места SPOTS     Je pense que nous sommes en retard pour l'événement
Detroit SPOTS     места SPOTS   lásd a csillagokat éjjel Mindenesetre itt
San Diego plaatsen SPOTS     места SPOTS nem számít, hogy lesz egy eső esemény
San Juan   plaatsen SPOTS     места nem számít, hogy lesz egy esemény fényét
Prague     plaatsen SPOTS     vin de l'eau du café champagne de bière
Amsterdam       plaatsen SPOTS   ils me laissèrent le billet! ... :)
Sidney SPOTS       plaatsen SPOTS recurs chaque cent quatre vingt dix neuf
Tokyo   SPOTS       plaatsen  
Sao Paulo     SPOTS        
Berlin       SPOTS      
Toronto SPOTS       SPOTS    
St Petesburg outputs SPOTS       SPOTS  
Barcelona   outputs SPOTS        
Madrid     outputs SPOTS      
Buenos Aires SPOTS     outputs SPOTS    
Lima outputs SPOTS     outputs SPOTS  
Lisbon   outputs SPOTS     outputs  
Budapest     outputs SPOTS      
Shangai       outputs SPOTS    
St Thomas         outputs SPOTS  
Outer Space           outputs  


La prediccion de terremotos es concevible en nuestros tiempos. Desde imagenes visibles a adentrarse entre lo infrarojo y e invisible, la deteccion y prediccion es formada con elementos de evidencia quimicos, geologicos, hidrotermales, nucleares y ambientales. Sintio el ultimo perturbacion del medio agua viaja a la velocidad de propagacion de choque dentro del agua, esta velocidad es de 550 miles per hour (890 km/hr). La altura de la onda puede alcanzar unos 10 a 30m dependiente de la geografia del fondo en la costa de la zona de impacto. Conozca la geografia y mantenga una referencia de la altura.

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WIND BAR: WIND: TORNADO: HURRICANE: CYCLONE: Hurricane formation, Coreolis Forces, Self sustaining Chain Reactionterremoto? Sepa que los terremotos pueden generar maremotos y el tiempo de reaccion para llegar a tierra alta puede ser entre 15 a 30 minutos minimo ya que la onda mecanica des, Temperature-Pressure gradients, and torque. Geography vs propensity.

WIND BAR OCEAN CIRCULATION: Hot spots vs Cold spots. Recent TRENDS in Ocean Circulation are signals of ocean circulation trends. Cold water sinks, Hot water rises. Salt Water Sinks, Sugar Water Rises.

WIND BAR TRENDS: Etnia Aproximada: una vista de que define un grupo etnico y las cosas en comun y diferentes entre llamados grupos etnicos que resultan en conflicto por cercania. (#1) Que ideas, o que estructuras sociales promueven el conflicto en una sociedad? (#2) Como se puede poner fin al conflicto y crear soluciones duraderas a los problemas que causan aumentos en los factores que degradan a la sociedad? (#3) Estan destinadas algunas estructuras sociales a perpetuar el conflicto? (#4) Cuales son los limites de las estructuras sociales para resolver conflictos? (#5) Por que algunas sociedades con sistemas para resolver conflicto no logran soluciones duraderas, (#6) y que es una solucion duradera en la sociedad si los sistemas politicos y las politicas de atencion cambian en periodos cortos de tiempo? (#7) Hay algun elemento genetico que pueda explicar por que algunos problemas sociales se presentan continuamente en la sociedad, o es esto demasiado microanalitico? (#8) Es el entendimiento de la sociedad habil? (#9) Existe un patron de diferencias sociales que sea entendible, y por consiguente existe una racionalizacion total a los problemas y por consiguiente una solucion racional al problema? (#10) Es la evolucion digital un factor detrimental o un factor acelerante a mediar conflictos en la sociedad?

WIND BAR TRENDS: TELEVISION: A post-retro perspective of what became or what once was TV, from the eyes of the 23rd century (all prior to Black Friday... so are you a TV manufacturer, get a commercial here. Marketing spots posted for sale. HD, OLED, 3-D, Enhanced 3-D, 4-D, 5-D, 6-D? Did we just say 6-D? No spoilers here. The WIND BAR is the place where interactivity merges technology inside the forest. Claro el bosque se ve mas verde dentro del SSSFFF.

WIND BAR TRENDS: 1970's, 1770's 2070's Tabu: limits of self expression and regulation of mass communication. La discucion de temas esta guiada por el consenso masa pero mas profundo que el consenso existe un andamiaje de leyes y procedimientos que trabajan con todos los temas que parecieran Tabu dentro de la sociedad. Tabu es una palabra con muy grave connotacion asi que limitaremos la discucion a temas que en el presente han dejado de ser Tabu gracias o en manera consequente, producto del avanze de la comunicacion y el esparcimiento mas rapido de la informacion, y su efecto en el cambio cultural que guia a los pueblos.

WIND BAR TRENDS: GUN USE vs GUN CONTROL and VIOLENCE: Is violence tied to Gun Possession? What are some of the trends in Gun Violence GV tied to sociocultural development. Is there a trend in Gun Crime vs. economical challenge? Are some population more violent? What are some of the rights of an individual to posses guns? Can the rights of an individual subvert the rights of a society? Why do individuals need guns?

WIND BAR TRENDS: WAR: The White Donkey: Terminal Lance ; an illustrative book about War.

WIND BAR TRENDS: Upcoming Themes:

Is the history of War the history of Social Devlopment i.e. society? Is the history of War the history of Technological development?

Is War how ultimately geographical boundaries are set?

Changes is War: how wars are fought, started, and ended.

The End of War: how wars will eventually disappear.

WIND BAR TRENDS: TIME TRAVEL: This tab is under construction.

WIND BAR TRENDS: RACE RELATIONS: Why do some countries possess Ratings of Race and other countries do not possess ratings. Is the Race concept a Stereotype. Are Stereotypes learnt or is it an inevitable residual of observation? What defines the Race concept? What is the difference between Nationality and Race? Why are some jobs asking for Race Identification? What technologies have changed the concepts of Race Identification? Blackface? Self Identification vs. Color. Is Color Race?

WIND BAR TRENDS: PSYCHOSOCIAL INTIMIDATION: Why is BULLYING systematic? Are some cultures naturally leaning toward bullying? How is bullying stopped? Are you a BULLY? Are you a Good Bully or a Bad Bully? Pshychologically bullying is defined as intimidation, coercion, manipulation or stalking to cause harm. It is a form of agression. Bullying occurs in many places of interaction, in school, at the office, in public spaces. Read more about bullying under

WIND BAR TRENDS: EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY: Humanity is divided by borders/ethnic self representations/flags/idioms/symbols/currencies/ thought systems/family systems. Within Borders are countries, counties, cities, and neighborhoods, geopolitical, geographical hydrological, and house delimiting maps. (#1)In Ethnic Self representations there are colors, shades of colors, cultural heritage, imposed cultural heritage, cultural mixes, unidentified cultural mixes, unconscious heritage, and branding. In Flags there are many flags of countries, of clubs, of parties, of familes. Idioms are less marked than prior categories. (#2) Currencies are fixed in paper and metal and tend are dissolved. Thought systems are the limited categorical understanding of what can be chosen by a thought system, for example, take the United States of America: Democrat or Republican or Independent, or for example categorical understanding of Liberal, Conservative, or other word denominational categories that intend to describe a general thought system. Families are extended, small, large, composed of different previous categories or of the same. So under the divisions of humanity how can we begin to divide or add up what is scientifically designated as Homo Sapiens Sapiens? The trendline of human antropomorphic findings date by radiographical methods that the current Biological-Type-Human as Homo Sapiens Sapiens between 200,000 and 1,000,000 years ago (#3 write to us to precise these dates So the current understanding of the Biological-Type-Human lived 200 milenias, 2000 centuries, 50,000 electoral cycles, Two 100,000 year floods, 250 global droughts, et cetera. Our description of humans as Homo Sapiens has been extremely guided by the understanding of Biology itself or by the descriptions of what we have convened to define Homo Sapiens, at a glance, from our vantage point, unjustifiably unjust to question the nominated past as verifiable or unveriable as it may have been. The present is quite distinct, or do we thing so? (#2a write to us at What tools make a Homo Sapiens Sapiens? Or are societies at the brink or have societies been at the brink of a cataclismic shift in the evolutionary Tree? Tools may indicate that we have at the most 99.9% the same genes (#3). Enter the nomenclature of gene similitude between Genus and between Kingdoms. Enter the flow dictionary of: Syntenic, Homologous, Paralogous, Homotropy, words describing genes. Homology Maps. Now exit this door, the Human Genome Structure was uncovered in the 50's (Franklin, Watson, Wilkins and Crick). Enter the World of Proteomics 1990- Present. The structure of Proteins determines Function and So the Canon goes, Genes determine Amino Acid sequence, Genes encode for Amino Acids, which are synthesized in to Proteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum/Golgi Apparatus and sent to work inside and outside the cell, inside and outside the body. Proteins are functional. Genes are the largest molecule known to Science, and genes encode more information than computers at the preset. The jump in description here is unimaginably inmense... (#6). How can we determine the structure of a protein inside the Human Body??? (#7) This current theme is of ongoing research. Many machines have been invented to uncover protein structure. (Are you a Protein Structure Determination Company and want to advertise here?). The dissimilarity in protein structure is Immensely different into the categorical Humanity Universe, yet the Simplicity of the fundamental and integral structure of our current Biological-Type-Human is such that it makes for an interesting conversation in the Winds Bar. Intake = Outake + Accumulation - Generation. A fundamental balance of mass equation partaking categorical retainment and creating denominations that latter feedback into our Enzymatic Universe. The understanding of Human Proteins is of Equal Magnitude to the Understaning of the Expansion of the Universe. The ability of The human body to mold the enzymes into functional structures is of current understanding.

WIND BAR TRENDS:Evolutionary Biology: Understanding how genes are Transcribed and Translated into Proteins. What are the major problems in Transcription and Translation? How do we make better proteins. What is the limit of protein dynamics? (write to us at The Human Genome Project .

WIND BAR TRENDS: MIGRATIONS: Evolutionary migrations. What are the ethical, economical, political, and social interactions taking place in the current world migrations? (#1). Is the current migrations trend associated to climate change, war, political discontent? Is the Current Mediterranean Migration unprecedented? Can the migration pattern be reversed? When was the last Large migration? How do genetics track migrations? The Genographic Project; Journey of Mankind ; mtDNA vs Y-Chromosome DNA. Species of Humanoids: Neantherthals mated with Homo Sapiens, and Denisovans went extinct, and Others....

WIND BAR TRENDS: MIGRATIONS: Neanderthal vs Homo Sapiens vs Homo Erectus vs Hominids: Who lived where and how and did genes cross? The answer is yes. Was there a first human? Was there something like a human hybrid? What is the definition of Human and how has it changed through time? What will define humanity in 300years from now, or what defines Humanity for a far distant observer.

WIND BAR TRENDS: SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE: Life in ExoSolar Planets, Microbial Life vs Intelligent Life. The discovery of life outside of the Tierra was and has been heralded as the greatest conundrums in Science as well as one of the greatest Existential, Ontomological, Philosophical plausible propositions in the set up of sociocultural values. Now that in almost certainty life will be discovered outside of Earth (#1), is humanity sentenced to underscore discovery(#2) or are we entrained to maintain accepted structures without regards to scientific evidence?(#3) Do we need BANGS in theory(#4) or do daily life altering findings present no significance to humanity?(#5) Has the present flow of information eliminated long term planning from philosophical thoughts?(#6) Significant events alter the perception of time in a short scale and a large scale? (#7) and the values set for these periods are often in conflict with each other (#8)? The flow of information has presented humanity with an interesting situational conundrum of defining set values in a previously unprecendented time frame. It has accelerated time in such a way that the likelyhood of social collapse due to nuclear war or social revolt is quite dramatically more likely today that it was 40-80-120 years ago. Is this true? It appears that humanity has entered a new era different from all previous eras sustained by the flow of information and held by an invisible power grid mesh of electrons. In this interesting world it appears that the discovery of life outside of this planet might happen unnoticed to only a few who note the significance of such an event, once in the history of humanity, once in the lifetime of all humans, and actually happening in the lifetime of those humans living in Earth today. Is the discovery of life outside of Earth now anticlimactic, or does a Bang need to occur to shift any sociocultural paradigms in society such as when electricity was discovered and for that matter, radioactivity, antibiotics, light magnification? It may well take humanity one hundred years to digest the information of such discovery without a BANG... or so the light may have passed but the vibrations have yet risen. So it may also pose the question that Humanity may have encoutered life from outside Earth without any apparent sociocultural change and such discovery may have passed through a patch with limited group significance. Such a discovery today would triumph the collaborations of millions of workers from all sectors of life, some executed the missions, some payed for the mission with taxes, everyone contributed to the finding, and most sought for the answer of such large question for some. Perhaps some distant neighbors are waiting for a moment on Earth to turn on the signal, to say hello, to tell us a bit more about our history than we know ourselves. Perhaps they are waiting for us to turn un our thrusters to meet them at their home. Perhaps they'll invite us to visit our planet without some google map how to get there, perhaps the microbes in our solar system hold the key to surviving in extreme environments. It will be highly likely that dna will be encountered if microbes are discovered because the organic arrangements of molecules are dictated by thermodynamic laws like gravity. Regardless of what happens a tab will be opened at SSSFFF to explore the light discoveries to shine in our planet within The Forest.

ET phone home? Will extraterrestrial life contact humans openly? Secretly? or Selectively? The question remains whether humans have been or are presently in contact with beings from outside our planet. Have you been contacted by Extraterrestrials? The Synthetic Forest would like to know. We are interested in exploring forests outside of our planet.

Some of the suposition surrounding Extraterrestrial life contact are that they may be more intelligent than us and that they may seek to control us. On the other hand any contact with an extraterrestrial being might not be 'as expected' , meaning that the interaction might not be noticeable or it might even be encrypted or highly sophisticated for humans to understand at the present. Imagine a signal arrived from an unknown source... the signal would be tracked to its place of origin, maybe light years away... or maybe the origin of the signal remains unknown. Trusting on the content without a complete picture of the origins of the signal is not very scientific but may simply be the way E.t.'s might attempt first contact. It is plausible that humans may have already received communication from other intelligent beings but have not understood the message, like a japanese speaker chatting over the phone with a spanish speaker... to understand the message several key elements are needed: Understanding of Sequence, of Syntax, of Medium, and of Theme. Attempts at decryption might

WIND BAR TRENDS: Who are we? Where did we come from? How did We get Here? Where are we going? Return to Site Menu

Anatomically genetic Humans arose in Africa 200,000 years ago?! So does this mean that the globe was empty? Empty globe theory? Punctillious Evolution? So when one human was walking from Africa, no one was walking back to Africa? Are we falling into a simplistic theory? (#2) Write to us at Gene Markers and Glossary of Genetic Terms

WIND BAR TRENDS: WHO ARE WE? Self representation vs External Representation. Who are we?: The temporal question answered temporarily or anachronically. To answer without numbing the Mind: The answer is a Convention. We are the convection of thoughts compounded into the orthographical/linguistical mechanisms that allow for self representation. Or other wise you may be who you understand or think you are. Here the Dualistic phenomena of Thinking vs Understanding? The thought and the understanding are in question constantly as first referenced in this paragraph so the answer to this question is a Dynamic. Otherwise the question is irrelevant and the temporal dialectic is extinguished. You will be who you were. Past predicting the present. Anthropogeny. Write to us at The dynamic is recent.

WIND BAR TRENDS: GENE MARKERS: From GFP to Transposons. How to crosslink here 2016!

WIND BAR TRENDS: Cold Weather... Cooooooooooooooooooooooooold Weather! Super Cold Weather.... -273.15K Absolute Zero cold.... well not that cold. ARCTIC WEATHER: Understanding the Poles. ; IARC.

WIND BAR TRENDS: SEASONS: What's the first season? Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring... Precession... Calendars... epochs.


BOOT: Best of ALL TIME: ELO RATINGS Explained: Wheighted Statistics, Z, Binomial Theorems... Soon 2016

















WIND BAR: Quien gano ayer? Viste la pelea? BOXING RANKINGS: How to score a Boxing Match. Can computers change the way boxing matches are scored? (#1)How about scoring on contact? (#2)How about discussing algorithms that may help predict a 10 point round winner.(#3) Even, how about factoring into the overall round decision a weighted sum of human and computational factors? Human-Sport-Technology interaction inside the Ring inside The SSSFFF. Write to us at How are boxing fans biased on style? What are some keys to scoring a Boxing bout? Can scoring systems change to reflect a more popular view of boxing fight results? There are numerous boxing scoring systems that may yield different results in a common fight, warranting an increase in judges per fight. What are some elements of scoring in a boxing match. Jabs + Hooks + Uppercuts , Jab to Face, Jab to Body, Blocked Jab, Blocked Hook, Blocked Uppercut, Combinations. Can there be 10-10 rounds or 9-9 rounds, what are the likelyhood of these rounds?

WIND BAR: BASEBALL:; SABERMETRICS, Baseball Statistics and THE COUNT: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, BASESTEALING COUNTS... Robar una base es un arte. La mitad del estadio sabe cuando vas a robar... no es sorpresa, es predecible... son pocos los verdaderos robos que sorprenden. Robar es un arte porque todos saben que vas a robar y comoquiera sorprendes. Un corredor en primera base puede sorprender robando en el primer pitcheo 0-0. 0-1, el conteo 0-1 es otro conteo donde es poco probable que un corredor se la robe. 0-2, conteo de pitcheo rompiente o pitcheo fuera de la zona. Este conteo es un buen conteo para robar ya que le pone la presion al pitcher a no tirar un pitcheo rompiente. El pitcheo rompiente es mas lento asi le da mas tiempo al corredor a llegar a segunda. Conteo 1-1. Este conteo es de hit-and run. 2-1 igual, 3-1 buen conteo para robar ya que el corredor se protege si el bateador es embasado. en 3-2 pasa lo mismo. pero en 3-2 el corredor esta mas protegido. Es mas probable q un corredor promedio robe en 3-2 que en 3-1. Esto antedicho es simplista y obvia las situaciones de juego previas o el caracter del bateador. Cuando hay un bateador de poder la tendencia a robar es mas baja para evitar desconcentrar al bateador aunque sea independiente de que el corredor robe. Si el corredor sale a robar y no es hit-and-run comoquiera protege al bateador de doble play pero se arriesga al igual mas si el batazo es atrapado de aire. Aunque el corredor en primera sea rapido hay que dejar al bateador de poder que tome su turno. Asi se juega en grandes ligas donde hay claros bateadores de poder. En ligas menores se roba base mayormente para evitar doble play y depende mas de la rapidez del corredor. Un pitcher zurdo evitara el robo de base por su movimiento a primera, y esto cambia el patron de juego de robo, al igual el patron cambia con corredor en tercera base. Un corredor en tercera aumenta la probabilidad de robo y a la vez aumenta la probabilidad de que llegue quieto por la defensa evitar un mal tiro y asi ayudar al corredor de terca que anote. Con corredor en primera y segunda se ejecuta un doble robo pero es mas improbable ya que depende de la rapidez del mas lento. Existe lo que se llama un delayed steal donde el primer corredor sale con el proposito de robar y el segundo sale notablemente despues del primero para asegura que el tiro sea al corrido del primero y el corredor mas lento llegue a salvo. Esto es peligroso porque apuesta a la percepcion del catcher o la prerogativa del mismo de tirar a tercera o a segunda. ... El beisbol es un deporte bastance sencillo donde se valora mas la ejecutoria constante que la ejecutoria en si. Este es un deporte de repeticion y explosion. Cuando dicen que el beisbol es 70% mental y 30% fisico se refieren a esto, ya que todos en el campo saben lo que va a ocurrir en cada jugada y cada jugador crea un valor de expectacion para cada posible jugada en cada situacion. Como las situaciones cambian con cada pitcheo el jugador debe analizar rapidamente la situacion ANTES que ocurra cada jugada ya que la accion en si ocurre en un periodo de entre dos y cuatro segundos maximo. Esto llama a fuerza en explosion donde se utilizan los musculos en su mayor umbral por periodos cortos de tiempo.

WIND BAR TRENDS: BAR GAMES: Trivia, Drinking games, Card Games, Board Games, Betting, Eating Games, Drinking Games... Talking vs Rambling vs Harrasing vs Flirting vs Smack,

WIND BAR TRENDS: BARs: The Wedding Bar, The Wine Bar, The Restaurant Bar, The Pool Bar, The Disco Bar, The House Party Bar, The All You Can Eat Bar, The Family Gathering Bar, The Tourist Bar, The Open Bar, The House Bar, The GameDay Bar, The Split Bar, Tapas Bar, The Casual Dining Bar, The Hotel Bar, The Bar Down The Street, La Barra del Barrio, La Barra del Estadio, La Barra Barata, La Barra que esta en el Carajo, La Barra al lado de la Otra Barra, (El Chinchorro) not the same as La Barra Barata, La Barra Vieja, La Barra que Huele a los 70'a, La Barra del Futuro, La Barra Frente a la Playa, La Barra Japonesa, La Barra Mala Muerte, La Barra que no existe, La Barra detras de la otra Barra, La Barra, La Barra Interactiva WIND BAR TRENDS BAR

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WIND BAR: SOLAR DINAMICS: Une zone de la Sun explose de rage Toutes les antennes de transmission sur le terrain, tous allumés et des voitures jamais tiré de l'histoire, avec un arsenal de toutes les armes thermonucléaires, sans penser à tous les volcans qui ont été exploitées dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Un morceau du Soleil dans l'espace émane de faire l'amour, de combler le vide et de donner la lumière et de la vie sur des planètes engendra. Et Mercury dit, -Voici besoin d'une plage ... Je vais devoir appeler la NASA pour voir si ils peuvent mettre un climatiseur qui est trop chaud. Un faisceau de la vie à travers les orbites encerclant même masse que une partie étendue du soleil. Ce deux veulent une plage si il est là et nous pouvons plages pas ouvertes et une bouteille de mousseux, les derniers astronautes ne pouvait pas prendre la bouteille, cette pression est trop forte, oubliez la plage, nous devons faire une comète nous apporter glace Mercury Venus dire. Un faisceau de lumière est passé à travers une autre orbite si brève observation Voyager II peu ... La réflexion tombe en degrés le long de la surface du soleil lui donnant un bateau contre le ciel, faire tourner le vent contre, donnant une passe entre un calmars et une baleine dans ses yeux ... disons ... pas de plage ici si le photon perdu dans le vague, et tombe plus dans l'obscurité dire de même, je vais donner de l'énergie à l'océan, je vais apporter un couple à inspirer la vie dans cette chute du ciel. Une zone de la Sun explose de rage de toutes les installations brûlant des fluides de charbon, la calcination recyclable, la terre fait ce qui était la terre. Photon passe par un satellite entrer l'accent de plus en plus détecté, touche à sa fin dans une collision en chaîne, apportant un reflet de la vie d'un million de miles à partir du point bas de gravité. Sun se dit, et un jour il va apporter plus de terre si vide, m'a fait une planète, des milliers de planètes, me fait un plasma de gaz et je vivront dans ce environnante. Je vais avoir de la patience, ces terriens ne savent pas qu'il n'y a pas de plage ici. Je détecté quelque chose d'inhabituel ... je ouvris les yeux avec cet ensemble et je me rendis compte que cette autre dispositif apporte quelque chose de la fréquence ... Je détecté quelque chose d'inhabituel, je ouvris les yeux, je vis que le soleil est absorbée à travers, beaucoup, mais pas tous les coups ... Je avons remarqué que ce dispositif peut mesurer l'attraction du soleil ... je voyais que je peux conserver à la fois le soleil lui-même, et sans qu'il obtiendrait une nuit ... del Sol zone sur les orbites des planètes, de trouver le nuage d'hydrogène qui a été le soleil ... un rayon de soleil entre en collision avec deux atomes de radicaux libres et vraiment propager une cascade dans la nuit, vous verrez dans la journée, couchers de soleil, et toutes les chaînes de dynamo qui exécute le soleil. Je ai vu tellement de milliards et je ne comprends pas que ce soit une partie de moi qui veut aller dans l'espace une partie de moi qui n'a pas vu d'autres galaxies, autres que des phénomènes de rayonnement, d'autres domaines de gravité où il ya tant de forces qui ont pas vu et je l'ai toujours pas à enflammer. Je vais vous donner le temps de m'y accompagner. Je vais vous donner une vision et la force dans mes encontras sentiment subtil et colère pour vous paso.Yo regardant encore sur les plages reculées comme il ya des mers à la recherche de mon actuelle pour générer plus de vie. La nuit, je serai fou, au moment de la nuit Esperare transmission en direct du contrôle temps lent donner un réflexe de l'iris. Je te soutiens de plus de photons peut imaginer de trouver en moi le secret de ce qui est inimaginable que la même idée d'être en vie et quand briser la chaîne va sentir la même rage que je ressens quand je me casse la gravité dans l'espace. Vuelvete fou que demain nous sommes. Et donc je suivais le photon en dehors de la orbe frapper la dernière chose qu'il pouvait saisir le Soleil, quand en retour demander vous-même, calme dans un silence que nous pouvons voir. Un flot de sons émanant du vent solaire, imaginer le bruit de la chaudière à mon éternel commencement ce qui ce bruit et je vis la réflexion.WINDS BAR:

WIND BAR EXPLOSIONS: Detonations, Deflagrations. Cracking P + 1/2 Rho V^2 + Rho g h . Mach 10, Apollo 10... Helios 2, Hypersonic Speed... Sonic Boom = Transmission > Convection : Sound Propagation

WIND BAR MUSEUMS: New York, Chicago, London, Paris... Enjoy the list... share what strikes you and why with the Contemporanea, Abstracta, Liquida, Solida, Gaseosa, Urbana, Espacial, Ambiental, Cinematografica y Teatral, Arte espontanea y el Estado-del-Arte, aqui en SSSSFFFF.

WIND BAR ENTERING the 5th DIMENSION: Ves esa nube alla arriba en el cielo? tan lejos una dimension de esta, la nube se encuentra atravesando un cambio dimensional. Ves la forma de la nube. Es la tercera dimension, cambiando en el tiempo se convierte en la Quinta Dimension. Ves la nube cambiando en el Tiempo? La quinta dimension es un volumen de control cambiando en el tiempo, es la caja de controrno agrandandose en el tiempo.4th Dimension Explained? Recall that the 4th dimension object in this video is symmetric and is in flux within itself. So the projections are the visualization of points of symmetry within the object. And so the cloud goes in flux, changing its flow in time in a discrete body of atoms showing a bit of symmetry.  information about an extra dimension is visible as a curvature in a spacetime with one fewer dimension. Is the 5th dimension intrinsic? l,w,h,t, +c, change in lwht? Some geometrical representations are cute but they do not contain definite interaction or simply put, surface. So is a 4dimensional object in flux sttill 3-D in terms of the surface? If a line is in a single dimension and a square is a fixed/permanent propagation of a line, then in the 4th dimension where is the extension of the cube. So if placing a change in time d/dt into the surface area dA/dt, then a fourth dimensional object is simply a vibrating 3dimensional object in its surface. Or are we violating a rule by looking inside the surface area of a particle. Then any of the multitude of interaction types within the object may add an additional dimension to the cube, or to the 4-cube/polytope/hypercube. Within the purely imaginary thought world of geometrical figures exists a Real world where Atoms compose the perceived objects and projecting the internal dynamics of the atoms in a time/space projection is beyond the simplistic representation of dimensions. Got a drink?, every dimension counts SSSSSSSSSFFFFFFFFF Dimension Visualization 1 dimension movie 1 Enter the field of RELATIVITY Soon 2016.

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